VanderHout Flooring

Don't forget to swing hard,
in case you hit the ball. 
~Woodie Held

Lost n Found


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BOSL NEWS – Lost & Found - 2019

Baseball players and especially Oldtimers will misplace a glove, leave a jacket or drop a cell phone from time to time. Check back here if you have lost something or if you have found something and would like us to post a note to the league. Note that any FOUND items should be put in the equipment bins at the parks. Check there first for any lost items. Thanks


Found: This bag of balls was left at Nelson on May 30th.


Well, one week into the season (if you don't count the rained out games) and I've already lost something. Worth Legit 26 oz bat, Fluorescent orange. Left it on the first base side, Sherwood D3, after the 6:30 game on Tuesday May 21.  I haven't been back there to check the locker, but will check. Just wondering if anyone had found it.

found Lost: My glove - but you know what - it wasn't a very good glove anyhow! Just keep it green box and I will get a new one
lost Lost: My ability to hit the ball
lost Lost: My knowledge of how to fill in the scoresheets properly
found Found: Best Slo-Pitch League ever

Let us know what you have lost or found and we will post it here for you.

Include your name and contact information